petit vampire DANS LA PISTOCHE

17/9 - 22/9/2021


korunovacni7 presents zeit-specific installation in double solo exhibition by Zuzana Halfarova and Matej Rejl at Fejer - Behal Institute / Villa P651 in Prague

  • Zuzana Halfarova

    Contemprorary artist. Uses mediums such as painting and photography to create three-dimensional objects or site-specific installations.

  • Vampire Villa

    Villa P651

    Pevnostní 651/8

    Praha 6 160 00 Czech Republic

  • Matej Rejl

    Internationally acclaimed contemporary painter famous for his post-apocalyptical landscapes and red chairs.

Exhibition Opening

Friday September 17th

from 6 pm to 9 pm

Weekend tour

Saturday/Sunday September 18th/19th

from 3 pm to 7 pm


Wednesday September 22nd

from 3 pm to 7 pm